1. The zone between CBD and suburbs e.g. Sparkhill
2. Grew during industrial revolution – large number of workers moved from countryside to the towns for jobs in factories and mills which led to a demand for cheap housing close to the place of work
3. High density terraced, back-to-back houses were built in long straight rows
4. Few amenities (no indoor WC, bathroom, sewerage, or electricity, gardens, open space)
5. Good community spirits developed
6. Factory owners and wealthy business people also lived in the more desirable areas of the inner city - but in larger 3/4 storey terraces.
Road pattern
1. Built in long straight rows/parallel roads.
2. Grid layout, narrow roads and pavements.
3. No gardens or garages - on street parking.
Housing and amenities
1. Housing cheap, often poor quality, quickly built; no proper kitchens, bathrooms or central heating (outside toilet).
2. Local services catered for the needs of the people, including corner shops (think BBC's Open All Hours)schools, public houses, churches, libraries and parks.
1. Cheap to acquire
1. Cheap to acquire
2. Available for rent - accessible for immigrants/the low paid or unemployed.
3. Some areas have seen major improvements - inside bathrooms, double glazing, adding outside features. (Gentrification)
4. Near to CBD - work, shops, entertainment.
5. Strong community feel
1. Old houses lacking modern amenities and needing substantial repair
2. Surrounded by derelict land when traditional industries declined and factories closed
3. High levels of graffiti and vandalism.
4. Traffic congestion - problems of rat- runs, problems of parking
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