The movement of people out of urban areas (e.g. inner city areas) into a more rural environment (suburbs)
Why do people want to move away from the more urban areas: (PUSH FACTORS)
- higher density housing
- little space
- less room
- poor quality housing
- higher crime rates
- more congestion
- higher levels of air and noise pollution
- both shopping and industry are tending to move towards outskirts
Why are people attracted to the more rural areas? (PULL FACTORS)
- more spacious
- better quality of housing with more modern amentities, double glazing, detached properties, front and back gardens, garages, utility rooms
- bigger houses and gardens
- safer for children
- less congested
- improved transport makes commuting possible
- more attractive environment close at hand
- new residential estates
- closer to modern industrial estates set up in rural fringe
- less air and noise pollution
Effects of out-migration on the more urban areas:
- less people
- derelict land as industry moves out
- elderly and unemployed people left behind
- loss of 'community spirit
- older housing becomes more run down, empty houses are boarded up
- shops close due to less custom
- less government investment
Effects of in-migration on more rural areas
- pressure for more new housing development
- rise in house prices (young cannot afford homes and move away)
- schools become more overcrowded
- more pressure on local services - doctors
- locals swamped by newcomers - friction
- becomes busier, area looses its charm
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