ArableGrowing of crops
AgribusinessLarge scale, capital intensive farms that specialise in only a few crops and use scientific advisers and techniques together with business principles to produce the maximum yields and quality. Often tied to supermarkets or processors to buy the crops
BiodiversityThe number and variety of plant and animal species found in an ecosystem
Capital intensive
Large capital investment in machinery, chemicals etc to maximise outputs
Common Agricultural PolicyThe E.U policy on farming. By guaranteeing prices on many foodstuffs, CAP ensures that farmers earn enough money to be able to make a decent living and invest in their farms.
Crop rotationThe system, of growing a sequence of crops in strict rotation in the same field in order to maintain soil fertility
DiversificationFarmers are encouraged to find new ways of using their land
Economies of scaleCost savings made by production on a large scale
EutrophicationChemicals (particularly nitrogen and phosphorus) from fertilisers seep into streams etc. Here it causes rapid growth of algae which blocks sunlight. Oxygen is used up and stream life begins to die.
FallowLand left unseeded after being ploughed and harrowed to regain fertility
fertilisersChemicals which add nutrients to the soil to replace those that the crops take out
Food mountains and lakesMountains – grain, butter, beef
GrantMoney which is given to a farmer to cover cost of farm improvement
HerbicidesChemicals which kill weeds which might compete with the crops for nutrients and sunlight
Chemicals which kill insects which might eat crops or damage them
Intensive farmingThere are large inputs to each hectare in order to produce large outputs of crops
Labour intensiveA system of farming which requires a heavy amount of hand labour
An area of land temporarily under grass
MixedFarming involving both animals and crops
MonocultureProduction of a single crop
PastoralFarming which rears only animals
PesticidesChemicals which kill pests such as fungus which can damage crops during growth.
QuotaA set amount of food which a farmer is allowed to produce
Set asideA policy whereby farmers leave some land unused and receive a payment in compensation
SubsidyMoney given to farmers when the market price for their produce is low. This ensures that farmers do not make a loss.
SurplusOverproduction of certain crops which need to be stored
Lakes – overproduction of liquid farming products: olive oil, wine, milk