Saturday, 31 January 2009

Japan assessment

How have automation and mass production helped to make car assembly an important industry in Japan? (4 marks)
Automation increases a factories output as machines work 24 hours a day unlike humans and make less errors. Also they do not require food and clean conditions etc so reduce manufacturing costs. Consequently the industry is more successful as profit is increased. Also, mass production reduces unit costs as materials are bought in bulk so more profit is made per unit. This has the same effect as previously mentioned. This allows development which causes the motor industry to count for a larger proportion of exports.

Mike's answer:
Automation provides an important part to industry in Japan as it reduces labour costs and wages as machines are used instead of people. Furthermore, they work much faster and more efficiently and accurately so cars are produced faster and to a greater quality. This has allowed mass production to produce large numbers of cars in shorter spaces of time so then the production cost is less so there is a higher profit margin for car industries.

Isobel's answer
Automation and mass production increase the speed of production of goods because methods such as just - in - time means that as soon as components arrive i nthe factories they are used along a large flat line of processes (assembly line?) Mass production makes car industry important because car pieces (components?) are produced on a larger scale which saves money and time. Automation means that machines are doing the job of humans which means the end products will be made quicker and to a better degree of accuracy
Jamie's answer:
Automation allows robots to work for a large amount of time, much longer than humans. A robot is able to work for 24 hours, 7 days a week providing they are well serviced. This saves the business money as less workers are required and more products can be manufactured. Furthermore, by mass producing components for cars are bought in bulk and therefore are cheaper for the company, increasing their profit and allowing them to produce cars efficiently to the orders.

Are these good answers?
Are they focused on the question?
Is it clear what is meant by mass production?
Is it clear what is meant by mass production?
Does it state how these processes have made car assembly an important industry?

What about this answer?:
1. Automation has allowed car components to be built by robots so the process is more accurate and reliable and more efficient (....Than what?) Also automation has allowed components of cars to be made 24/7 and mass produced more frequently because workers aren't efficient and so reliable as human workers. Automation and mass production both can produce large amounts of cars which have a very high standard.

2. Automation has helped Japan because it provides a quick way to manufacture cars. Also, these machines do not need paying so the company can save money this way.

3. By using the just in time method and assembly method of building cars the Japanese have a large enthusiastic workforce. Automation, the use of machines, has improved the quality of products and the speed they are built. They can work all day and do not need paying however they need someone to control them this creates work for locals.

What advice would you give to each of the last three ?

What is meant by 'economies of scale'?

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