Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Sunday, 8 February 2009

Early bird revision sessions:

Grab yourself a bacon roll from the canteen and then head up to L24. All sessions start at 8am!!!

6th March
- Mr Nailor will be reviewing the Japan unit
13th March - Mr McLoughlin will be showing you that Glaciation really is a cool topic
20th March - Mr McLoughlin and I will be looking at topics from the Urban unit of work and getting in some OS practise
27th March - Mr Nailor again - this time going over the Ganges delta work and in particular the mysteries of the monsoon.
2nd April - me, this time looking at rivers with some OS mapwork practise.

Any other topics you'd like to go over - let Mr Mcloughlin or me know asap please.


Britain from Above: A very British Farm

Britain from Above: Farming the Food shortage

Farming from Space

Upper course of river valleys

I came across this video which you might find useful:

Find more videos like this on Key Stage 3 Geography Ning

Friday, 6 February 2009